How Good Are Your Intimacy Skills?
Complete the questions below to get your personal intimacy score and find out what areas you can work on to take your relationship to the next level – even when your situation seems hopeless.
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(0-35) What intimacy?
You’re probably wondering what the heck you ever saw in this guy! But not to worry--the tenderness you seek may just be dormant. If you can remember the reasons you agreed to marry him in the first place and start respecting him for those reasons, you can still have the marriage you always dreamed was possible. Find the courage to stop controlling your husband today. You won’t be sorry. You can transform your marriage, starting now.
Here is what you should do next, based on your score
I highly recommend you attend my free course, called “How to Eliminate The 3 Most Common Behaviors That Are Putting Your Marriage at Risk Using The 6 Intimacy Skills”. It’s a proven framework for women who want to stop feeling lonely and rejected and develop a passionate playful relationship – and help others have the same.
(36-60) Overworked and Underappreciated
It’s hard to tell because you make it look easy, but you’re doing too much, and you need a break. Start to take better care of yourself and ask for help more often. Your vulnerability will be rewarded if your husband feels respected. Thank your husband for his contributions and you will be well on your way to igniting passion and achieving intimacy.
Here is what you should do next, based on your score
I highly recommend you attend my free course, called “How to Eliminate The 3 Most Common Behaviors That Are Putting Your Marriage at Risk Using The 6 Intimacy Skills”. It’s a proven framework for women who want to stop feeling lonely and rejected and develop a passionate playful relationship – and help others have the same.
(60+) Congratulations!
Your marriage is very intimate and passionate. You found a man you respect, and the two of you have a positive impact on each other. This union is a healthy mix of individuality and togetherness. You practice good self-care, you’re quick to apologize and he adores you for it.
Here is what you should do next, based on your score
I highly recommend you attend my free course, called “How to Eliminate The 3 Most Common Behaviors That Are Putting Your Marriage at Risk Using The 6 Intimacy Skills”. It’s a proven framework for women who want to stop feeling lonely and rejected and develop a passionate playful relationship – and help others have the same.